CI/CD redefined
Containerized, reproducible and restartable Runs
Execute your runs in a reproducible containerized environment. Restart them from start or from failed task
Advanced workflows (matrix builds, fan-in, fan-out, multi arch etc...)
Implement every kind of workflow you want from simple builds to complex deployments.
Multiple git sources integrations
GitHub, GitLab, Gitea, custom Git repositories (and more to come)
Multiple execution platforms
Execute you tasks inside a Kubernetes cluster, local docker etc...
Testable Runs
Keep the same Runs definition but use different variables values based on rules to test your runs on multiple environments.
Enhance and leverage your git workflow
Runs definitions are committed inside your git repositories and triggered upon push/tag/pull request.
Users Direct Runs
Execute user runs from your local git repository on agola with just one command (also without the need to commit/push)